Yreka Carnegie Groundbreaking Sets Stage for Rural Innovation Hub and Historic Preservation Efforts
The Siskiyou Economic Development Council will rehabilitate and re-open Yreka’s Historic Carnegie building to inspire future-forward solutions for the region’s working landscape economies, making this USDA RD RISE and California Jobs First initiative a unique model for economic development and historical revitalization.
L-R- Bruce Ross (Office of Senator Brian Dahle), Maria Gallegos Herrera (USDA RD State Director- CA), Mary Collins (Governor's Office of Planning and Research), Anna Maldonado (California Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development), Alice Bennett (Office of Assemblywoman Megan Dahle,) Nancy Ogren (Siskiyou County Supervisor), Tonya Dowse (SEDC Executive Director), Michael Kobseff (Siskiyou County Supervisor)
YREKA, Calif., April 5th, 2024 – The Yreka Carnegie Groundbreaking event, held on Friday, April 5th, marked a significant milestone in the development of an innovative resource hub for the rural community of Siskiyou County, while also honoring the preservation of a cherished historical landmark. Hosted by Siskiyou Economic Development, the event brought together key stakeholders and community leaders to celebrate the commencement of construction on the Yreka Carnegie building.
Maria Gallegos Herrera, speaking on behalf of the USDA Rural Development's RISE Program, which provided funding support for the project, emphasized the importance of initiatives like the Yreka Carnegie Innovation Hub. "Rural economies are diverse and require vision and leadership to thrive," said Gallegos Herrera. “These are the qualities USDA Rural Development sees in the Siskiyou County economic development team and their rehabilitation of Yreka’s historic Carnegie Library. We are so pleased to award a Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) grant to this project which will invite business innovation and job creation, and generally uplift the entire region.”
In addition to Maria Gallegos Herrera's remarks, Mary Collins, Senior Advisor for Climate and Economy for Governor's Office of Planning and Research, spoke to the $2.1 million awarded to the project through the Regional Investment Initiative (formerly known as CERF), a key part of the state’s California Jobs First initiative, and the hub's potential to drive sustainable development and address the challenges faced by rural communities. Tonya Dowse, Executive Director of Siskiyou Economic Development, expressed her enthusiasm for the groundbreaking event, highlighting the hub's role in fostering collaboration and innovation.
"The Yreka Carnegie will be a dynamic space where entrepreneurs, creators, and community members can come together to innovate, collaborate, and thrive," said Dowse. The event also served as a nod to the preservation of the Yreka Carnegie building's historical significance. "Preserving our history is crucial for maintaining the cultural fabric of our community," remarked Dowse. "The adaptive reuse of the Yreka Carnegie building not only honors our past but also positions it as a beacon of innovation for our future."
“We are continually seeking ways to foster the resiliency, growth, and development of our communities. We support organizations like the SEDC that align with our mission to support the growth and economic vitality of our communities.” said Jill Drinkwater, CA regional business manager for Pacific Power, who also provided funding for the project through the Pacific Power Foundation grant program.
The Yreka Carnegie Groundbreaking event symbolized a new chapter in the evolution of Siskiyou County's economic landscape, emphasizing innovation, collaboration, and historical preservation. Attendees celebrated the groundbreaking as a significant milestone in the journey towards a more vibrant and resilient rural community.
For more information about the Yreka Carnegie Innovation Hub and Siskiyou Economic Development's initiatives, please visit www.siskiyoucounty.org/yrekacarnegie.