SEDC Launches Climate Survey for Businesses and Communities
The Siskiyou Economic Development Council (SEDC) is announcing the launch of a new climate survey aimed at gathering the unique insights and experiences of Siskiyou County businesses and residents regarding climate change. As one of six partners in the Siskiyou Climate Collaborative, the SEDC is working to understand how climate impacts businesses, communities and residents in Siskiyou County. Exploring local stories, ideas, and strategies can shape a more resilient Siskiyou County.
We invite businesses, leaders and residents to take our survey.
Time commitement:10 minutes
This survey was created by members of the following:
Siskiyou Economic Development
Siskiyou Outdoor Recreation Alliance
UC Cooperative Extension ANR
Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District
The Karuk Tribe Department of Natural Resources
SMART Workforce Center